And if you call
I will answer
And if you fall
I'll pick you up
And if you court this disaster
I'll point you home
I'll point you home
~Barenaked Ladies

ME -
Head - LeLUTKA Lilly Head 2.5
Skin - Lulu by Boataom
Body - Lara by Maitreya
Hair - Aysha by Doux
Jacket - Buohoo Jacket Beige by Avemoi @ Eclectic Event
Shoes - Dolly Plats V2 by Reign
Decorations -
When I look at you picture- By ~MG Gallery~ @ The Home & Garden Expo
Frame 2 by =Mimido= @ The Home & Garden Expo
Bulldog - English Bulldog by Rezz Room
Good news by Shutter Up
MG Gallery Lm's
* @ H & G Expo
Mimido Lm's
Shutter up Lm's
AveMoi's LM