Sometimes you'll laugh, sometimes you'll cry
Life never tells us, the when's or why's
When you've got friends, to wish you well
You'll find your point when you will exhale
~Whitney Houston

Head - LeLUTKA Lilly Head 2.5
Skin & Shape - Teo Sorbet - The Skinnery
Body - Lara by Maitreya
Hair - Olivia by Magika
Eyes - Snow Eyes V1 by S0NG
Outfit - Rosenthorn Attire by Eliavah
Tattoo - Call of the Wild ~ Med Color by Wild Roots
Nails - Vintage Summer Redwood mix & match coffin nails by e.marie
Rings - Wonder Rings by Kibitz
Pose - Body Shots by WestSide
Location - Penny Lane Backdrops