Oh, Halo on fire
The midnight knows it well
Fast, is desire
Creates another hell
I fear to turn on the light
For the darkness won't go away
Fast, is desire
Turn out the light
Halo on fire

Head - LeLUTKA Lilly Head 2.5
Skin & Shape - Teo Sorbet - The Skinnery
Body - Lara by Maitreya
Hair - Blair by Magika
Eyes - Snow Eyes V1 by S0NG
Freckles - Lia Freckles by FT
Outfit - Xandra Bodice by The Forge
Wings - Marie by Violent Seduction
Nails - Wedding by Formalnails
Halo - Celestial Halo by Mortem
Pose - Bad by FoxCity
Location - What's Lost Spirits