Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind
~Patrick Swayze

Head - LeLUTKA Lilly Head 2.5
Skin & Shape - Teo Sorbet - The Skinnery
Body - Lara by Maitreya
Hair - Joy by Truth
Eyes - Snow Eyes V1 by S0NG
Freckles - Lia Freckles by FT
Dress - January Dress by Virtue
Accessories -
Nails - Angelique Bento Nails by .euphoric
Bracelet - Marquessa Diamond Bracelet by EarthStones
Ring L.Hand - Kimberly by Orsini Jewelry
Necklace - August Necklace by Vinyl
Backdrop - Dark Scene by Pitaya
Pose - Formal by Foxcity
Location - Backdrop Central